MOCAK Forum nr 1/2012 [3]
MOCAK Forum nr 1/2012 [3]

List of the contents
- Popular Pleasures
- Popular screen culture and childhood Dafna Lemish
- Post-Feminism and Beyond Angela Mcrobbie
- elite Bodies, popular Bodies Women's Tennis in the Cultural Studies Perspective Michal Gulik
- Popular Culture Joke Hermes
- So bad, it's good. The Paradoxe of judgment in Culture Kaja Klimek
- Introduction
- Popular Culture of Creative Insubordination Samuel Nowak
- Interviews
- The open Gallery Anna Maria Potocka and Rafal Bujnowski talk about art on billboards
- Popular is political Richard Dyer talks to Samuel Nowak about popular culture, university and politics
- Passive/Active Katarzyna Wincenciak and Iwona Wojnarowicz talk with Miroslaw Filiciak about culture 2.0 and the promise of new media
- I don’t know that much about pop culture Julita Kwasniak and Katarzyna Was talk about the relationship between pop culture and art with Anda Rottenberg
- Visual Essay
- Utopias among us Anna Taszycka’s commentary to Laura Pawela’s visual essay
- Texts
- Szapocznikow opining her Eyes to the real World Agata Jakubowska
- Exploding the Frame of the Reality TV Zone Travis Jeppesen
- Criticism 2.0 Adam Kruk
- Essay
- Why I do not like pop culture Mike Urbaniak
- Why I like Pop Culture Joanna Pawluskiewicz
- Edu Lab
- Ambiguous stories Elzbieta Sala
- responsable or entangled? Elzbieta Sala
- Andy Warhol for the Little Ones Iwona Wojnarowicz
- Reviews
- In a dream World Sebastian Frackiewicz
- In order to understand, you need to know the Context Lukasz Gazur
- There Is Nothing for Me Here: Why Are Women’s Museums Created? Elzbieta Sala
- Through the Looking-Glass. On searching the trail and reading from fragments of the Smoczynski Archive Anna Sulich-Liga
- Overview
- Overviews
There are several narrations when it comes to popular culture. The first one promotes the notion of mass culture and uses a highly critical language inherited from the Frankfurt school. It disparages almost all popular artefacts and texts. Pop culture, as opposed to art, is viewed as manipulation and slander, an anti-democratic force which enslaves the Western mind and starts colonising more and more areas within the global village. You prefer The Bold and the Beautiful to a new performance by Sarah Kane? Then you are done for; you have fallen into the pop-cultural trap. The second narration is more neutral; pop culture has both positive and negative aspects. It is hard to say what is worse: the furious attacks on the culture industry or the watered-down ambivalence. However, there is one more, newer version of this story, which admits that popular culture indeed used to lack in quality but today we are witnessing a rebirth in mass entertainment. This claim is usually supported by the example of TV series connected with the phenomenon of the so-called quality TV. Is there even one person left who did not watch at least one episode of Desperate Housewives, Lost or Ally McBeal? Well, we still have to say that none of these three narrations is adequate. Why? This is the main topic of this issue of ‘MOCAK Forum’.
Samuel Nowak