New Collection
New Collection
17.05.2013 - 03.03.2014
The theme of the new display of the MOCAK Collection will be artistic media. We will present their most important forms: photography, painting, sculpture, drawing and video. When it comes to contemporary art, media have no absolute boundaries; they can be broadened, combined and hybridised. So many possible permutations exist that individual artists can invent or come up with a medium that will help them reveal their talent and formulate their own artistic theme. In this exhibition, we also want to illustrate the artists’ ideas on how to individualise media.
Photography offers the greatest opportunities and variety, its point of departure being neutral documentation as its and the pinnacle of sophistication – realistic unreality. The hardest medium – which is perhaps why it remainsso highly regarded – is painting, where mistakes are irreversible and sense is very easy to distort. These media, and all their complexity, are richly represented at the current display of the Collection.