Łukasz Surowiec Clinic
30.05.2019 - 09.06.2019
The materials presented in the exhibition come from the production Clinic by Łukasz Surowiec, staged in Poznań at the end of October 2016. His protagonists were incurable actively drinking alcoholics, mostly homeless, who – due to their life situation and administrative requirements – were unable to undertake effective therapy. In this project they played the role of patients. Anonymous anthropologists and social researchers invited by the artist took the place of the doctors. Their task was to conduct interviews with the addicted patients. Viewers could listen in to live interviews in the surgery through the headphones provided outside, simultaneously observing the people waiting their turn. The interviewees were offered 21 złoty to take part in the interview, enough to buy half a litre of vodka.
The exhibition, the format of which is reminiscent of a theatrical production, presents both selected interviews transmitted during the project and scenes inaccessible to the theatre audiences: recordings from a surgery tucked away further inside the building and recordings of scenes that took place during the production. There is also a presentation of the new edition of the alccoin – a monetary unit invented by the artist.
The exhibition Clinic was created as part of the doctoral thesis Prototypes of Social Relationships: The Experience of Change.