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//City Camp//-Mend Your City!

City Camp-Mend Your City!

Published at:27.06.2012

On Friday 30 June between 2 – 7 pm at MOCAK a meeting will take place themed City Camp –‘Open City’.

City Camp –‘Open City’
is an opportunity for a get-together of active and hands-on individuals, willing to take part in creating together the City for the next generation. During the meeting there will be a presentation of the web page naprawmyto.pl – an up-to-date way for the residents of Krakow to voice and monitor their concerns about their city online.

The organisers: the Association ‘Citizens’ Workshop’, Foundation Plan C and Citizens of Culture Krakow.

More info: http://pracowniaobywatelska.pl/city-camp-otwarte-miasto/