//Witkacy the Letter Writer//
Witkacy the Letter Writer
20.01.2015 at 6 pm
Published at:07.01.2015
On Tuesday 20 January at 6pm, come to the launch of Olga Szmidt’s book Korespondent Witkacy (Witkacy the Letter Writer).
‘Witkacy the Letter Writer is an unusual, sophisticated and intellectually intriguing research project; it proposes quite a novel well of viewing Witkacy’s art as well as demonstrating new dimensions of the intimistic discourse.’
Assistant professor Jarosław Fazan
Korrespondent Witkacy was published by Universitas as part of the series Modernizm w Polsce (Modernism in Poland).
At the launch, you will be able to buy the book Korespondent Witkacy as well as the Obraz i słowo (Image and Word), the 5th issue of the magazine MOCAK Forum at promotional prices.
The event will be conducted in Polish. Detailed info in Polish >>>