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Winter Holidays in MOCAK

Winter Holidays in MOCAK

During this year's winter holidays children were offered a range of interesting workshops by MOCAK's Education Department.

Snow Machine

On 5th February 2014 workshops titled Snow Machine took place. The starting point for the workshops was to design an unusual snow vehicle. The designs of all participants constituted a snowy composition. Przemysław Jasielski's machine project, To See the Flapping of Angel Wings, created on the basis of Leonardo da Vinci's sketches and objects from the MOCAK Collection inspired the children to make their own installations.

Bird Feeders

On 12th February 2014 MOCAK held workshops titled Bird Feeders, which were inspired by a work from Piotr Lutyński's Living Paintings series. Having familiarised themselves with selected works from the MOCAK Collection, the participants designed homes and shelters for various animals.
Another task was to create pictures which the participants thought birds living in the Museum's vicinity might like. Selected works were installed in a special bird feeder, which was later fixed to an external wall of Re Gallery.

Winter Sports

During the winter holidays MOCAK held a series of workshops titled Winter Sports for the wards of associations which work free of charge for the sake of children. The participants were asked to identify winter motifs in the works from the MOCAK Collection. While viewing the exhibition the participants talked about sports characteristic for the season. Ideas were countless, as evidenced by interesting compositions based on Jerzy Kałucki's work of art. Finally, the children attempted to recreate on paper traces left by skates, skis, sledges etc.

Bird Feeders (2)

On Sunday, 2nd March 2014 children from the Jewish Association Czulent paid another visit to the Museum. The workshops began with viewing the latest exhibitions: Władysław Hasior. The European Rauschenberg? and Alina Dawidowicz's The Whole World in Small Pictures. The viewing was complemented by art assignments directly referring to the exhibited works. Inspired by the assemblages, children animated everyday objects. In Alfa Gallery, where Alina Dawidowicz's works are displayed, the participants recreated their sweetest memories.
Creating new pictures for the MOCAK's bird feeder served as a summing up of the event. The pictures enriched our collection of works addressed at birds living in the vicinity of the Museum.