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Michel Kichka. //Cartooning on the Frontline//

Michel Kichka Michel Kichka. Cartooning on the Frontline

12.04.2024 - 02.06.2024

The exhibition shows a selection of the cartoons I drew about two different wars: a war in my motherland and a war in another country, far away from my home. Usually, in peaceful times, I draw with a smile, with sarcasm and gentle provocation. Since 7 October, the date of the barbaric attack on Israel by Hamas, the way I draw has changed. With my pencil and brush I try to support my people, to give strength to the families of the hostages, to express my deep mourning to families who lost their mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters and brothers, to send my empathy to the wounded, to the traumatized and to those who have become refugees in their own country.

At the same time I remain critical towards my government’s policy and priorities. I’m anxious for the innocent victims on both sides.

As for my cartoons on Putin’s war on Ukraine, I do my best to depict my revulsion towards the Russian dictator, which is my way of expressing solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

My works are seen and passed around and I hope they bring some relief. Having said that, I’m aware a cartoon is no more than a drop of ink in an ocean of blood and suffering.

At the end of the day, cartooning is also a way to exorcise my fears and to protect myself.

It’s the power of art.

Michel Kichka


Michel Kichka is one of the most prominent Israeli caricature and comics artists. He was born in Belgium in 1954, and, at the age of 20, emigrated to Israel. He lectures at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem and has been working closely with the French weekly “Courrier International” and the US news channel CNN; he has also worked for the “International Herald Tribune”. He is a member of the organisation Cartooning for Peace. He is the author of graphic books Second Generation: The Things I Didn’t Tell My Father, Falafel with Hot Sauce and The Other Jerusalem.

Beta Gallery
Exhibition date:
12.04.2024 - 02.06.2024
Opening date:
11.04.2024 at 6 PM
Michel Kichka