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Visitor Guidelines

Visitor Guidelines

MOCAK the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow

Visitor Guidelines


§ 1
General Guidelines

  1. The Museum is open to visitors Tuesday to Thursday and Saturday to Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm, Friday from 11 am to 8 pm. The ticket office is open Tuesday to Thursday and Saturday to Sunday from 11 am to 6.30 pm, Friday from 11 am to 7.30 pm. For security reasons and to ensure the safety of visitors, the above opening timesmay be altered without prior notice. The Museum will announce such changes on its website and by announcements on the Museum’s premises. Detailed information on opening days and times, as well as ticket prices is available at the Museum ticket office or www.mocak.pl .
  2. The Museum will determine the maximum numbers of visitors permitted at any one time in the spaces open to the public, and in particular in Building A (with specific quotas for Alfa Gallery and the Bookstore), Beta Gallery, Re Gallery, the Library and the Artists’ Archive. The notification of the maximum number permitted will be available at the entry point to each space, and may be subject to change to comply with Health and Safety Rules.
  3. By purchasing an entrance ticket you accept the guidelines set out here, which are also available at the Museum Reception and www.mocak.pl The Museum may temporarily suspend group visits or any additional services provided, such as guided tours.
  4. On Thursdays entry to the permanent exhibitions is free.
  5. Last entry to exhibitions in Building A is 1/2 hour before their closing time, and to all other exhibition spaces 15 min before closing time.
  6. Entry to the permanent and temporary exhibitions only with a valid ticket or pass.

§ 2
Health and Safety Guidelines

In accordance with current sanitary regulations, sanitary recommendations have been suspended until further notice.

§ 3
Museum Visit Guidelines

  1. Parents or carers will be responsible for minors in their charge (i.e., persons below the age of 18).
  2. When on the museum grounds or premises, visitors will at all times abide by the requests of museum staff, including security guards and exhibition assistants.
  3. Anybody behaving in a way that threatens the safety of the collections or of people, disrupts the course of the visit for other visitors or violates generally accepted standards of behaviour in public places may be asked to leave the museum.
  4. CCTV cameras are in operation in the museum. Other than to comply with the requirement of §2 S2 above, visitors must not cover up their faces whilst on the museum premises.
  5. Visitors may be required to undergo an electronic security check for the presence of dangerous objects or materials. In exceptional circumstances, visitors may be required to show the contents of their luggage left in the cloakroom.
  6. For the duration of the visit to an exhibition, visitors should deposit their outer clothes and luggage, especially suitcases, rucksacks, bags and umbrellas, in the museum cloakroom. If any doubt should arise as to which objects are required to be deposited, the decision of the duty Receptionist will be final. The fee for a lost cloakroom token is 10 zł and the fee for a lost locker key 25 zł (the till print-out will be proof of payment). Due to Health and Safety requirements, the cloakroom service may be temporarily suspended.
  7. In the museum building and in the permanent or temporary exhibitions areas the following are not permitted:
  • touching the exhibits and elements of the exhibition architecture, except for those marked with a graphic symbol indicating otherwise.
  • Filming or photographing the exhibition using a tripod or artificial light,
  • Bringing on to the museum premises any animal, even if carried by the owner, other than a guide dog,
  • Eating, drinking or bringing onto the premises any food or drink,
  • Smoking, including e-cigarettes,
  • Bringing onto the premises objects or materials that may endanger anyone’s life, or adversely affect their health and safety,
  • Entering the premises under the influence of alcohol, or drugs.
  • Using musical instruments, image and sound reproducing equipment, or any other sound equipment,
  • Loud behaviour, running, or sliding on the floor.

8. The consent of the museum director is required in order to:

1) Conduct on the museum premises (building and grounds), any economic activity, including promotion and canvassing,
2) Organise on the museum premises meetings, promotional events or photo shoots,
3) Display on the museum premises any banners, symbols or logos,
4) Carry out on the museum premises any filming or photography for any purpose other than one’s own private use.


§ 4
Other Guidelines

  1. Any damage caused to an exhibit or element of the exhibition architecture will result in a formal written report being made.
  2. Exhibition content that some viewers may find disturbing is indicated by written / graphic notices to be found next to the Ticket Office and in the exhibition space.